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Could you translate the Mikoto Nikki Remake, please? I'd love to play it. Thanks!

I've just read this rn, thank you so much for your translation and for taking on my sugestion. I've really enjoyed it, even if it's different to your other tls. Also, I think you are improvement a lot since your firsts works. Well done!
I'll be waiting for your next project :)


I've been taking some extra Japanese lessons over the past month to improve my reading speed. Fascinating stuff.

I've got some other VNs on the pipeline. I've decided on which Charon VN I want to translate, though I'm only about 1/6th done with the translation pass. There's also a vampire VN and a VN about a crazy town that I'm much further along with, though the editing passes for those will take a bit.

Still, I'm happy to hear I'm getting better. :)

You are just amazing. I think Japanese is just too difficult. I tried to study it, but... 

There is no rush at all, so take it easy and enjoy while you translate. That's the most important. I'll be supporting you! And, god, now I am hyped again, like with Zanatorium xD