A downloadable fan translation

This is a fan translation of the first episode of the series Lost Dragons - the original VN was created by Samezaki. The series is mainly written like a shonen, though it definitely pulls from a couple different genres. There are some elements of horror in the series - while only a few characters could pass as yanderes, yangires are in relatively high supply here.

Speaking of which, this particular episode is the most brutal of the six. While it's not pictured, there are descriptions of a character being brutally dismembered, and another character being abused to the point of mindbreak. Please keep that in mind if you decide to read this.

The episode is fairly short - it will probably take around 30 minutes to an hour to complete fully.

Also, some notes on my translation:

  • The translation is fully manual, though there are some tricky bits of Japanese near the end I had trouble with. This won't harm readability, though a couple lines over there may be slightly inaccurate.
  • The characters don't really use honorifics in this one, except when they refer to the Founder, who gets a "sama". Since the Founder is considered to be a deity in the VN's world, I have people in her faction capitalize her pronouns where needed, which I feel encapsulates the use of that honorific in this case.
  • I was torn on how to write the pink-haired girl's name, though I eventually settled on Mïmé. Writing it as Mime or the direct romanization of Miime would probably result in people trying to pronounce it like the type of clown, which is very far from how it should actually be - it's pronounced like (Me-May).
  • I edited the background used in the omake to fit in with certain information revealed in Episode 5.
  • There are a few bits of swearing here and there, though the use is in-line with the original text. In this episode, it's mainly restricted to when people use the term "kisama", or when they get hurt.


patch.xdelta 881 kB

Install instructions

  1. You need the free software xDelta to apply this patch. Get a copy from here: https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/598/
  2. Acquire a copy of the JPO version from here: https://novelgame.jp/games/show/5682
  3. Generate a patched app.asar by putting the following settings into xDelta:
    1. Patch: The patch you downloaded.
    2. Source File: The app.asar file located in {VN_location}/resources/
    3. Output File: The location of where the program should place the patched app.asar
  4. Replace the app.asar file in {VN_location}/resources/ with the patched app.asar file.
  5. Play.

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