A downloadable fan translation

Princess Cage is Charon's first H-Game in a while, found at https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/2187060/ . I wanted to translate this one so the West can see Charon's take on H content.

Stuff this VN has:

  • H Content: There's some, no question, but it's not the main draw. I believe there's 3 H-Scenes in total; technically there's a very brief 4th. All of them are quick.
  • Violent content: Yes, there is lots of insanity and violence from anime ladies here. One of them is really messed up in the head.
  • And in case you were worried: There's no guro. The closest H Content and Violence combine here is a CG of a naked anime lady with blood on her.
  • There's some Japanese culture stuff in here. It looks like Charon put in some context to explain some things in the original JP release, and I've also put in some context of my own for the things Charon didn't cover.
  • The VN is quick. It should take around 1-2 hours to finish.
  • There's one main route - you can't choose a girl here. There's also a ten minute extras section after clearing the VN.
  • There's 5 BAD END, 1 HAPPY(?) END, 1 ANOTHER END. ANOTHER END is the end of the linear extra content, and the HAPPY END is actually a "TO BE CONTINUED...".
  • I believe Charon wants this VN to be the first part of a multi-parter, though the story is still self-contained. There are no notable loose story threads here - if Part 2 never materializes, Princess Cage can stand on its own.

This patch translates all the text of the main route and the extra content, the content warning you see at the start, the game window title, and the main menu options. Credits are left untouched.


Release 1.0.1 115 kB

Install instructions

I put the tpatch in a zip file this time because I don't want your browser to mess up the filename.

  1. Extract the tpatch inside the zip file to where the Princess Cage executable is located.
  2. The name of the tpatch file is called プリンセスケージ.tpatch . If your extraction utility messes up the filename upon extraction, correct the filename.
  3. Play.

Development log


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Hey. Just out of curiosity, is this MTL? Someone listed all your patches as MTL on VNDB, but reading through Princess Cage, I wouldn't have thought it is (unless heavily edited I guess).

(1 edit) (+1)

This translation is a mix between MTL and manual. 

The VNDB guys call it MTL because they view even partial MTL as full MTL.
